Dear Parents and Carers
I really enjoyed meeting so many Year 7 parents on Thursday evening. It was a pleasure to hear how well students have settled in at Myton, how many friends they have made in the last term, and how much progress they are making in their studies.
Over the last two years, we have focused on transition from Year 6 to Year 7 and worked closely with our colleagues in feeder primary schools. The aim of this work is to make the process better for the students and ensure we add challenge to their work from the outset.
Thank you to all those parents who filled in a parent survey last night. The feedback we received was extremely positive and I can see how happy our Year 7s are at Myton. I’m grateful for so many parents taking the time to pass on positive comments about their child’s experiences at Myton so far. There were also a few areas highlighted where we could make improvements. We have noted these and will take action to address them in January. The specific points were the queues to the dining hall being too busy and smaller students getting squeezed out, access to the toilets for Year 7s, some feedback around assessment in exercise books and some boisterous conduct of a few of our students around the town.
Today we are back to non-uniform, though planned this time, and with an optional Christmas jumper theme. It will round off a disrupted but ultimately successful week where we have enjoyed the support of our students in keeping their learning the most important thing, and the help and support of parents in getting them here. Despite the ice and -6°C temperatures, Tuesday was one of the best days I can remember, as the atmosphere was so positive and the feeling that students and staff are all on the same side was clear throughout.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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