Dear Parents and Carers
Today we say goodbye to some much-loved staff members. I would like to thank those staff who are moving on to new challenges or retirement, for their loyalty to our school and students.
Worthy of a special mention, not least for their length of service: from our modern languages department, Kerry Buckingham-Ward leaves us after 27 years at Myton and Natalie Shedden is moving on after 22 years. After 20 years of service apiece, we are also sad to be saying goodbye to our RE Teacher Nicola Farren and our maintenance man, Ollie Fagan, who is hanging up his tools after 20 years.
On a personal note, I am very sorry to be saying goodbye to Helen Bridge who, as mentioned a few weeks ago, has been appointed Head Teacher of Kineton High School starting in September. Our loss is their gain; I know she will be a remarkable Head Teacher.
I wish you all an enjoyable summer. Thank you for your support over the year and I look forward to welcoming back your children, and our new Year 7s, in September.
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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