On Wednesday 28 June we welcomed into school our future Year 7 students and gave them a taste of life at Myton. They joined their new tutor groups and worked in Drama, Science, Maths, English, Stem and Food Tech. It was a pleasure to meet our new intake and to speak to them about what they were most looking forward to about coming to secondary school. Sport was the most frequent answer, followed by Drama and Music, with many also looking forward to the trips they know we run each year.
It was useful to reflect on the work we have done this year with our partners in the primary sector to prepare for the arrival of our new Year 7s. Staff from Myton have been working closely with colleagues from Coten End and St Margaret’s to clarify what is expected of primary school children and look at how we can build instant challenge into Year 7. This work has led to some of our schemes of learning at Year 7 being changed, particularly for high attaining students. We have also adjusted our curriculum in Year 7 to reduce the number of teachers students will have at any one time.
I would like to thank our friends at Coten End and St Margaret’s for their help and support in establishing our vision of a seamless transition between primary and secondary. I am looking forward to meeting many more of our primary partners and will be visiting Mr Brettell soon to build similar academic links with him at Bishop’s Tachbrook School.
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