Dear Parents and Carers
This week the Chair of Governors, Finance Director and I were visited by Chris White MP. Over the years I have found that Chris listens to and takes on board our concerns at Myton School. He is very supportive and attends many school functions, often working directly with our students. On this occasion he came to discuss the future cuts to education, due to the draft National Funding Formula, and to find out what exactly the impact will be on the education of students. He listened, asked a lot of questions, wanted to know exact numbers, and I know he is expressing our concerns directly to the Secretary of State in order that she can see the real impact of her decisions.
As we break up for the Easter holidays, I would like to thank all staff who are delivering revision sessions. It is vital that students who are sitting exams dedicate some of the next two weeks to revision and this is best done with a plan which not only covers which subjects and when, but which also focuses on selected topics where the student knows they need practice. When we come back the Art exam starts almost immediately and the rest follow thick and fast. Preparation is therefore essential.
Many thanks for your support.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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