The Inclusion & SEND Team

The Inclusion & SEND Team at Myton

The Learning, Intervention & Nurture Centre (LINC)

Miss A Hawkes

I am the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).

  • I meet with parents, students and primary school teachers to ensure a smooth transition from primary school, along with Mrs Compton.
  • I co-ordinate the specialist staff who work to support students.
  • I work closely with Mrs Compton to ensure Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) outcomes are being met in lessons.
  • I oversee the development of Individual Education Plans to help students overcome barriers to learning.
  • I provide training for members of the wider school staff.
  • I observe lessons to ensure high standards of ‘Quality First Teaching’ for students.

Mrs H Bilkhu


I am the Inclusion Administrator.

  • I am the initial point of contact for students; parents/carers; outside agencies and professionals who call or come to the LINC.
  • I provide admin support for the department.
  • I minute Student Action Meetings.
  • I update Student Strategies & School Notes onto our system.
  • I support exam provision and access arrangements in the LINC.
  • I provide guidance & help to SEND students and their parents/carers.

English Boost

Mrs H Calvert-Caithness

I am the Head of English Boost (KS3 & KS4).

  • I am trained as a secondary-level English teacher and in the delivery of Fresh Start, a phonics intervention programme designed to help struggling readers and writers, in Year 7 and 8, catch up and achieve the expected levels in reading and writing for secondary school.
  • I work closely with my English Boost team to ensure that lessons and resources are tailored to the needs of Key Stage 3 students, who attend the Fresh Start programme.
  • I monitor the English Boost provision offered at Key Stage 4, including Entry Level Certificates, Step Up to English and English Functional Skills, in conjunction with the English department. These courses enable students working towards Entry Level certificates to make the progress they need in order to embark on their post-16 journey.

Our Teaching Assistants

Mr M Smith

I am a Teaching Assistant:

  • I specialise in supporting students with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
  • I am a good listener and I like to encourage students to achieve their full potential regardless of the barriers that they face on a day to day basis.
  • I am flexible in the way that I support the students’ needs, allowing them as much independence during the school day as possible.
  • I am always happy to help.

Mr R Matthews

I am a Teaching Assistant focused on support within the classroom across the curriculum.

  • I am a patient, understanding and enthusiastic person.
  • I encourage, praise, and help each student to be the best they can be so that they are motivated to achieve all of their objectives.
  • I encourage students to have a go at everything, be independent, which in turn nurtures their self-esteem, confidence and independence.
  • I encourage students to work with others, by doing group work, and so develop strong social skills with their peers.
  • I establish positive relationships with students and interact with them according to their individual needs.

Miss N Green

I am a Teaching Assistant who offers support within the classroom across the curriculum, as well as running tailored intervention groups.

  • I have worked for many years within secondary school settings, with a variety of students with differing needs such as ADHD, ASD, ADD, PTSD, OCD, attachment disorders, and a variety of social, emotional and mental health difficulties, to name a few
  • I am a patient, understanding and enthusiastic person with high standards and expectations.
  • I am able to establish good relationships with students and always strive to be a positive, proactive role model.
  • I offer intervention support within the areas of social skills, emotional literacy and support, emotional self-regulation, healthy lifestyles and choices, positive flexible mindset, alongside support with mental health, self-esteem and confidence building.
  • I am extremely passionate about inclusion and strive to ensure all students receive the very best holistic education and have every opportunity to achieve their absolute potential.

Mrs D Ree

I am a Teaching Assistant and I help students to access the curriculum, taking guidance from the teaching staff.

  • I use a variety of strategies and techniques to help students to achieve their targets.
  • I listen to the students and help find ways to overcome barriers to learning and support them through the process.
  • I am patient, kind and supportive.
  • I have an enthusiasm to help the students to reach their full potential.
  • I encourage the students to adopt a ‘have a go’ attitude and use gentle encouragement to try things that take them out of their comfort zone and support them with this using positive praise.
  • I endeavour to maintain a positive working relationship with the students and show an interest in their ideas and hobbies.
  • I use positive praise to encourage and boost self-esteem in line with the school’s reward programme.

English as an Additional Language

Mrs R Bellisario


I am a Higher Level Teaching Assistant with a main focus in English as an Additional Language.

My focus is to support students whose first language is not English. My responsibilities are:

  • To establish positive relationships with students and parents/carers to assist student progress and attainment and support the ethos of the school.
  • To teach phonics, reading and writing skills, within an environment that embraces an understanding of the cultural and emotional barriers to learning that EAL students will face.
  • To offer classroom support/ help with homework/ translation/ differentiation/pre-teaching of challenging topics.

I am also Early Help trained. My ultimate goal is for the EAL students to feel secure, respected and supported, so that school can be an enjoyable place for them. Academically they need to be able to access the curriculum and be independent as quickly as possible.

The Inclusion Centre

Miss S Montague, Mr S Humphreys &  Mrs K Dulley


  • We work with selected students to provide additional support to enable them to achieve their full potential.
  • Working in collaboration with parents and teachers, we will develop strategies to help your son/daughter to fully integrate into the Myton community.
  • Miss Montague and Mrs Dulley are both part of the school Safeguarding Team.
  • We are all Early Help trained.

Mrs C Durden

I am the school’s Work Related Learning Co-ordinator and I:

  • Arrange and monitor all Alternative Provision for our students who attend offsite provision.
  • Offer mentoring of students and family support for those needing additional help.
  • Am a key worker to a number of students.
  • Oversee 1:1 tuition for students accessing additional English, Maths & Science.
  • Assist in writing EHCP (Education, Health and Care plan) applications for challenging students.
  • Organise careers events, such as practice interviews & careers fairs.
  • Offer pastoral support to both students and their families through the Early Help process.

Safeguarding: student welfare & attendance

Mrs C Haines


I am the Student Welfare Manager.

  • I provide emotional wellbeing, including arranging counselling, mentoring or outside agency support.
  • I am in charge of Safeguarding – please contact me if you have concerns or worries about a young person and fear they may be at risk of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or concerns about neglect.
  • I oversee Early Help intervention to support students and families, so if you feel a family needs some extra support please let me know.
  • I give support to young carers and can direct out-of-school support.
  • I run ‘Positive Parenting Programme’ groups specifically for parents of teenagers.
  • I manage Student Support – please ask for registration advice.
  • If a student may benefit from counselling I can support access to various agencies, eg Relate, Journeys, COMPASS and our school counsellor.
  • I deal with all attendance concerns and liaise with Warwickshire’s Attendance, Compliance and Enforcement (ACE) Service.

Mrs K Adkins


I work in Student Support as a Student Welfare Officer.

  • My main aim is to help your son/daughter enjoy school.
  • I work in Child Protection.
  • At Student Support we look after all non-prescribed & prescribed medication, eg inhalers, epi pens, diabetic medication, painkillers, etc including Care Plans.
  • We help students with any queries regarding school – timetables, lost property, etc.
  • We contact parents/carers if a student is unwell or if we have a concern.
  • We give First Aid where necessary.
  • If your son/daughter is upset we will assist & try to help resolve their problem.
  • We relay messages from parents and staff to students.
  • We also investigate every report related to bullying.
  • As a team, we work with Heads of House, Heads of Department and the Behaviour Team.

Mrs S Williams

I work in Student Support.

  • We help students with any queries regarding the school day, for example timetables, lost property, lockers, etc.
  • We contact parents/carers if a student is unwell.
  • We give First Aid where necessary.
  • We look after all medication brought into school.
  • We take absence messages and monitor attendance.
  • We relay messages from parents and staff to students.
  • We help your son/daughter enjoy their time at Myton.

Mrs H Williams

I am the school’s Mental Health Lead.

  • I work with our pastoral and SEND teams to identify students with mental health needs, ensure we are providing the most appropriate and effective intervention to support them and make referrals to other agencies where required.
  • Where appropriate, I work with students on a one-to-one basis, using a range of therapeutic approaches including Solution Focused Therapy, CBT, Mindfulness and elements of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy. I can also access group and individual psychological therapy for students via a number of agencies such as Relate, Mind, the Mental Health in Schools Team and Journeys.
  • I provide advice, consultation and psycho-social education to school staff, including strategies for supporting emotionally vulnerable students in the classroom. I am passionate about providing young people, parents and staff with accessible, practical and evidence-based information in order to reduce stigma and promote positive mental health within our school community.
  • I regularly meet with parents, students and other agencies to effectively co-ordinate support for young people with mental health difficulties in school. I am also available to attend Early Help meetings where an unmet mental health need has been identified within the family.
  • I work closely with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) to ensure that students who need specialist help and support can access the right intervention at the right time.
  • I am also a member of the Safeguarding Team.

Outside agency & external professional support

Miss J Harvey

I am the school’s Educational Psychologist.

  • I work closely with parents/carers, school staff and outside agencies to provide strategies and support for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
  • I provide individual assessment and intervention for students around learning and/or behaviour.
  • I work with school staff to give advice on building capacity within school to meet student needs.
  • I often attend annual reviews and Early Help meetings, working as part of a team around the child.
  • I have a particular interest in autism and/or challenging behaviour.

Mrs J Burden

I am the school’s Autism and ADHD specialist teacher.

I provide support through:

  • A range of informal assessment approaches-observations of the learner in class, a structured conversation with the learner, teaching staff and families.
  • Direct work with a learner to find out their views and wishes.
  • Screening of a learner’s sensory processing and characteristics, with advice and guidance.
  • Advice on setting up and resourcing autism-friendly learning environments.
  • Meeting with school staff and families to plan provision.
  • Attendance to Annual Reviews and Early Help meetings as requested. Training for teachers and teaching assistants around the delivery of specific interventions  or to raise awareness and understanding of autism and it’s impact on learning.

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for week ending Friday, 17 January 2025.

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