As you are probably already aware, we have recently acquired a school dog called Willow. We thought it might be nice to share with you a little bit about her background and our plans for her role in school.
Willow was adopted from Kenilworth Dogs Trust last year by Myton’s Assistant SENCo, Louise Cleaver. Louise has had five rescue dogs in the past and was on the lookout for a dog who might be suitable to bring into school.
“The benefit of using a school dog to help anxious and upset children is well-documented,” said Louise. “When I saw the Dogs Trust advert for 4 small dogs, I was very keen to have one of them.”
Willow was initially unresponsive, nervous and untrained, but Louise saw her potential. She visited her every day, taking her grandchildren with her to get the dog used to mixing with youngsters. Three weeks later, Louise took Willow home and began her rehabilitation.
After six months Willow was ready to come into school, just as coronavirus struck. During lockdown, when we were open to smaller groups of students, Willow was able to get used to the school at her own pace.
Since September, Willow has been in school interacting with the students and in the Learning and Inclusion Centre, where she has her ‘office’. She has a calm and friendly temperament which is perfect for a school dog.
“Willow loves her new ‘job’,” said Louise. “We obviously have to be careful at the moment because of Covid, but after half term I’ve got plans to introduce her to students across the school one year-group bubble at a time. She’s here for everyone’s benefit and I’m keen for all students who want to, to meet her.”
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