During this warm weather many young people jump in and swim by the bridge in St Nick’s park. Please see article below from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue warning against open water swimming. Please encourage your children to take care and discourage them from jumping into the water from the bridge.
More than 400 people drown each year in the UK and Ireland
As temperatures soar across England, many families will be taking the opportunity to spend time outdoors in Warwickshire. But with drowning causing hundreds of preventable deaths every summer, Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service would like to remind residents of the importance of staying safe around water.
While reservoirs, lakes and rivers can look appealing on a hot day, there are hidden dangers lurking below the surface that can cause serious harm to swimmers, or even lead to fatalities. Open water is often much colder than expected, which can affect your ability to swim and get out safely. Currents and riptides can drag swimmers away from the water’s edge and make it difficult to stay afloat.
If you see someone in trouble in the water, don’t enter it yourself – instead call 999 and ask for the fire service. If you do fall in, don’t struggle, try to stay calm and float. Staying calm can be the difference between life and death. Wait until the cold water shock has passed, then think about the best way to get out or stay afloat until the emergency services are able to help.
For more information on staying safe in or around water, visit: https://www.rlss.org.uk/pages/category/water-safety-information