On Wednesday this week, to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee and to celebrate our work with Kissing it Better, our Sixth Form volunteers were joined in tree planting a hazel sapling along with Iris and staff from Leycester Care Home. We have located the sapling outside the Upper School Hall and near one of Sixth Form buildings so visitors can watch it grow as they arrive at our main reception. It was a lovely opportunity for intergenerational mixing that was a delight on a sunny Wednesday afternoon. We look forward to the tree being enjoyed by Myton staff, students and visitors as well as wildlife in years to come. Thanks to all involved.
Information on the project:
The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Everyone across the UK is being invited to plant trees from October 2021, when the tree planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022.
The Queen’s Green Canopy will create a network of individual trees, avenues, copses and whole woodlands in honour of The Queen’s service and the legacy she has built.
This will create a green legacy of its own, with every tree planted bringing benefits for people, wildlife and climate, now and for the future.
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