The beginning and end of the school day are busy times on the roads, bike paths and pedestrian paths. This week we had transition day for our upcoming Year 7 students which meant we had an extra 284 students, with parents, using the various routes to get to Myton for their exciting first visit.
Please can we ask all students and parents to travel with care and respect for others. We would like to encourage the wearing of cycle helmets and also, please speak to your children about wandering into the “wrong” path, both when walking or cycling, to avoid any accidents or near misses.
The use of headphones and mobiles can be very distracting, please be aware of surroundings, especially when crossing over side roads.
The summer break would be an excellent time to get out with your child and spend time looking at the rules of the road for both cycling and pedestrians. If you drive, you could look at finding places away from school to drop your child off to encourage independence in walking, even a short way, to school.
Thank you for your assistance with keeping everyone safe.
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