Parents & carers will soon receive a letter from our Mental Health Lead, Mrs H Williams about the PIPA Trial, which explores the effectiveness of an online resource for parents & carers to help reduce depression and anxiety in young people. The trial is being coordinated by the University of Warwick and involves families of young people aged 11-15 years from schools in the UK.
The trial is free and conducted completely online. Eligible parents & carers and young people will be asked to complete some questionnaires. Parents & carers will then receive access to some online parenting resources: either the standard educational package of factsheets or the personalised programme with up to nine modules. Parents & carers and young people will also be asked to complete some follow-up questionnaires.
Please look out for the letter about how to sign up which also contains some information sheets with more details. If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs H Williams (Mental Health Lead) or contact the PIPA trial team at [email protected] or on 02476 574316/02476 575078.
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