Dear Parents and Carers
As I’m sure you’re aware, money is incredibly tight in schools at the moment and therefore any additional funds we are able to raise are hugely important to us. With that in mind I would like to say a big thank you to the King Henry VIII Trust in Warwick, who have just announced that they are awarding us a number of grants for the next academic year.
Alongside the projects that they fund each year, such as ‘Prison? Me? No Way!’ and Sprint Finish revision sessions, they have agreed to fund the following:
- Equipment for a dark room for our Art & Photography Department
- Specialist out-of-school provision at ‘Flourish at the Farm’ for some of our SEND students (jointly supported by the PTA)
- Two desktop computers for our new careers hub (with funding for three other computers obtained from Warwickshire County Council)
- Two desktop computers for the sixth form study area in our Modern Languages Department to enable revision and independent research
- Additional biometric registration points to enable sixth form students to self-register
Next week it’s our WINGS production of Alice in Wonderland (tickets still available via ParentPay) and volunteers from our PTA will be selling refreshments and raffle tickets to raise funds for school. They have recently funded a number of initiatives including a programme of support for students to improve their self-esteem and new printers for our sixth form. We really appreciate the work they do for us. If anyone would like to join them, perhaps just volunteering half an hour here and there, please contact the Chair, Jon Chambers at [email protected]. And if you’re short of time but would still like to help, please remember our School Fund which allows you to contribute towards enhancing the learning experience of our students. All the details are on our website: School Fund.
With thanks for your support.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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