Congratulations to the Myton students who won prizes at the Schools Art Exhibition at St Mary’s Church in Warwick:
- Evelyn Homewood in Year 11 won the special individual prize for her 2 paintings: Portrait with Doves and Portrait with Floral Border
- Rebecca Morris in Year 12 won an individual prize for her Mixed Media Collage
- Hannah Fardoe in Year 12 won an individual prize for her painting: Female Figure
- Millie Holland in Year 12 won an individual prize for her portrait
- Emily Bennett Hayes in Year 11 won an individual prize for her portrait
- And our Year 7s won a group prize for their self identity paintings
Well done to all those students who had work exhibited. The competition from other schools was strong but Myton did incredibly well in all the categories we entered. We are very proud of the work that all our students produce and the exhibition demonstrated exceptional talent and a whole year’s worth of commitment. The work was diverse and personal and looked amazing. Great stuff.
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