The national healthcare charity, Kissing it Better have been working with the Rehabilitation Hospital in Leamington Spa on an initiative which aims to bring the generations together and help older people in hospital who can’t have visitors.
They’ve asked our students to take part by writing a letter to cheer up someone in hospital. Here’s what you have to do:
Write a letter on A4 and email it to [email protected]. It will be shared with an older patient to help them remember happy times.
In the letter, please introduce yourself and here are some suggested topics:
- summer holidays, summer events
- nature, countryside
- hobbies and interests
- TV, films, books
- pets
- school (favourite subjects)
Please include a large photo of something special to you or something you have drawn – this can be a great talking point for someone in hospital or who finds it hard to read.
Thank you for taking part.
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