Year 6 students looking to join Myton School in September 2023 were welcomed at Open Evening on Thursday 29 September.
Volunteer guides provided tours for parents, carers and children who also had a choice of three Head Teacher presentations with Mr Perry in the Upper School Hall.
Visitors completed a school familiarisation treasure hunt as they visited classrooms, teaching blocks and the Sports Hall and Gym. There was also a chance to sample food in the school canteen.
Myton student volunteers supported teaching staff with a wide range of activities which visitors were able to take part in including:
- Tudor Rose activity (History)
- XBox ‘beat the teacher’ competitions (ICT and Computing)
- Sports demonstrations (PE)
- Metamorphic cheese toasties (Geography)
- Sweet shop sensory similies (English)
- Live action graph walking (Maths)
- Religious artefacts (Religion, Ethics & Philosophy)
- Forensics and rockets (Science)
- Brand challenge: ‘can you taste the difference?’ (Business Studies, Economics & Enterprise)
- A Level and GCSE exhibitions (Art)
Here’s just a selection of photographs taken during the event. Thank you to all staff and students who made the evening such a success!
Here is the Myton School Prospectus
2023 School Admissions
Warwickshire County Council has produced this Guide to School Admissions for those applying for a 2023 school place. There is also a handy YouTube video.
The deadline for submitting applications to Warwickshire County Council is 31 October 2022
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