Thank you to all students, parents, carers and staff for their patience this week as we returned to school during building work for the new teaching block.
Construction work means parent and carer vehicles should not enter the ‘D’ shaped roadway at main school Reception at any time. This is for buses only during the building work and has been designed to keep your child/children safe throughout the work. Pictured below is a bus from Stagecoach testing the route during the summer holidays.
Please remind your child:
- Please walk into school safely using the right hand footpath and stay off the main drive. Students can enter by the pedestrian gate or the two green gates onto the field. Watch out for staff cars parking on the tennis courts at the front of the school.
- There are two new bike shelters, one on the Lower School Yard by the Science block and one on the Upper School Yard next to the existing bike shed. No bikes should be left at the front of the school please. Bikes left on the site of the old bike sheds – under the trees by the PLR – will be removed.
- The bus turning circle has gone and instead, buses will pull up outside main Reception in the ‘D’ area (pictured). Parents and carers should not drive into school but drop children off away from the school gates. Only parents and carers with a permit will be allowed on site.
- Sixth Form drivers with a permit should park on the tennis courts car park.
- Please ensure all students are in school by 8.35am for an 8.40am start in form rooms.
- We will not allow any traffic on the drive to move between 3pm and 3.30pm, so students can safely walk out of school down the main drive, or the footpath and exit through the main gate, pedestrian gate or two green gates from the field.
- Buses will arrive before 3pm or after 3.30pm and wait in the ‘D’ outside main reception. No buses will be allowed to leave until after 3.30pm. Students catching a bus must wait in the canopy area by Lower School entrance and will be told when their bus has arrived.
Please continue to park far away from residential areas – particularly Holioake Drive – and remain courteous to our neighbours. We will be requesting the local Police to patrol this area. Thank you.
Thank you for your co-operation.
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