It’s Red Nose Day and we have been busy raising funds. Students have been in non-uniform (we’re loving the red around school!) and the Sixth Form has been selling cakes and brownies at breaks and lunchtimes. Thank you for your support via ParentPay.
Last Friday’s Ukraine fundraising day raised an amazing £3,804! All proceeds will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee and will be matched by the government which means that over £7,600 has been raised as a result of Myton School’s fundraising. Thank you for your donations and thanks to everyone who took part – especially the Sixth Formers who sold blue and yellow wristbands (£428 raised) and Year 7s Laila and Chloe who helped organise the cake sale (£191 raised).
Don’t forget to look out for the Ukrainian flag which was flown on the Myton School flagpole again today and will fly every Friday until further notice.
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