Over the past three weeks we’ve had lots of ex-students coming back to school to say hello and update us on what they are doing. It is always great to see them, share memories and hear about what they are up to. The stories we share tend to be about what they did outside of class: the trips, sporting events, clubs, activities, and so on that they took part in.
Today, I have seen all Year 7 and 8 students to launch our new initiative ’50 things to do before you leave Myton’. We have carefully considered extra-curricular activities we feel will help our students to grow, develop and thrive. These challenges are designed to be difficult; to complete them will require courage, teamwork, planning and tenacity. We believe that by completing them, it will provide students with concrete examples of when they have demonstrated key skills for life after Myton.
All students in Years 7 & 8 have been given a wallchart and a pack of stickers and I would ask parents to support and encourage them between now and the end of Year 11 to continuously come back to these activities and try new things.
The intention with this challenge is to build on our already broad offer of activities: we will use this as a guide for new clubs and trips, and through it, we hope to create even more memorable experiences for our students throughout their time with us at Myton, so that when they return to us in many years to come, we have even more amazing stories to share and experiences to reminisce about; and that whilst our students are still here with us, they have a good time!
Mr Jones – Deputy Head Teacher
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