It has come to our attention that students are playing inappropriate games online. Call of Duty being mentioned regularly. This game is rated 18 and has scenes of violence, sex and bad language that are not suitable for under 18s. These games are being downloaded and parents may not be aware that their children have access to them. We would suggest that you check this and discuss with your children what they are playing and the age rating for them.
You can find out how to keep your child safe while gaming with this article from the NSPCC: How to Ensure Your Children Stay Safe While Playing Online Games | NSPCC
There is also more detailed information about games on Common Sense Media, which include quick, easy to read reviews that tell you exactly what sensitive content may be in individual games.
Game Reviews, Kids Games | Common Sense Media
Staying safe online over Summer
With the summer holidays fast approaching children, young people will have more free time to spend with friends, family and online. For some, this will be spent using the internet to keep in touch with friends, catching up with the latest apps and online trends, and playing their favourite games. This is a really useful parent guide that is worth reading. We want our students to remain safe during the holidays and that includes being safe online.
Staying safe online in the summer holidays – UK Safer Internet Centre
Most importantly: enjoy the summer holidays!
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