Is your child interested in singing; keen to learn the ukelele; or develop their strings’ knowledge? Well, why not consider one of the free Music clubs offered by Myton?
Wednesdays – 1.50pm to 2.10pm
The Vocal group is for all students who love singing. Why not pop along to Mu3 (upstairs music classroom) in your lunch hour midweek?
Wednesday – 3.15pm to 4pm
The String group open to violin, viola and cello players, all levels from beginners (must have started lessons either at Myton or previous school/out of school). Ideally, students should have their own instrument although some may be available to borrow for the session. The after school session is run from Mu2 (Mac room downstairs in the music block).
Friday – 1.50pm – 2.10pm
Why not come and learn the ukulele on a Friday? Open to all and no experience needed. Instruments are provided in Mu3 (upstairs music classroom).
All of these activities are free of charge and the Music team looks forward to welcoming more students!
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