Our Catering team works hard every week to produce food and drink at Breakfast, Break and Lunch. Did you know that, since Tuesday, our students have consumed approximately…
- 500 slices of toast
- 480 pancakes
- 624 bacon rolls
- 450 waffles
- 360 pizza slices
- 240 crumpets
- 200 cheese and bean wraps
- 96 toasted bagels
- 220 cheese and tomato naans…
… and over 1,000 bottles of water.
As you can see, there is a wide range of snacks available at Breakfast (8am-8.35am) and Break and a comprehensive offering, including meal deals, for Lunch.
Please remember that all food and drink taken by your child will be deducted from your ParentPay Catering account.
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