This week, we asked our PE Department to nominate those students whose work their teachers think should be celebrated. We’ve sent electronic postcards home to everyone mentioned here.
Year 7
Izzy S – for fantastic dance performances as part of the Virtual School Games dance competition.
Macey T, Ed B, Kaitlin C, Anastasyia P and Kimmy B – for engagement and performance in the School Games competitions.
Lily B – for really engaging well with the School Games challenges and Olympic Values competition.
Year 8
Sam E, Conor A, Megan B and Hannah S – for engaging with the School Games competitions.
Tilly H – for her fantastic dance performances as part of the Virtual School Games dance competition.
Year 9
Jasminder C, Emma D, Jocelyn R and Elizabeth G – for engaging with the School Games competitions.
Elisabeth O and Rebecca B – for thorough engagement in all the challenges set and achieving notable success across all competitions.
Rian A – for engaging consistently and producing such good work.
Euan D – for being fantastic. He has submitted every piece of work and some of his efforts have been outstanding.
Charlie M – for completing his work every week, and producing great quality work.
Sam M – for engaging every week and completing some wonderful work.
James G – for completing every task and catching up with work that he missed due to not having a revision guide.
Ted C – for working really well throughout the whole period.
Jake C – for completing all work to a great standard.
Finley C – for completing all work extremely well.
Joel C – for finishing all tasks and always being prompt with work.
Owen T – for consistently producing excellent work on time.
Jocelyn R – for consistently great and thorough work throughout.
Charlotte M – for brilliant work.
Harriet R – for brilliant and detailed work.
Bethan H – for brilliant work completed all the time.
Year 10
Isaac B – for excellent athletic achievements in the School Games virtual athletics challenges, finishing 2nd across Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire.
Ben G – for consistently engaging in every task and producing great quality work.
Lukas K – for submitting every piece of work and completing it in great detail.
Mitchell D – for working consistently well throughout the lockdown period.
Julia R F – for engaging in all tasks, producing excellent work and always responding to feedback.
Sam P – for consistently engaging and producing high quality work with every submission.
Dan T – for making a massive effort to catch up and submitting every missing piece of work.
Emma and Lucy C – for completing and submitting every piece of work set and producing fantastic injury assessment work.
Sophie J – for completing every task and producing high quality work throughout lockdown.
Sophia M – for excellent use of feedback to improve on 9 mark questions.
Ellie C – for fabulous and thorough understanding and engagement.
Hannah W – for great work and engagement.
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