This week, we asked our Design Technology department to nominate those students whose work their teachers feel should be shared and celebrated. We’ve sent electronic postcards home for these students.
Toby O – “Has made a huge range of mouthwatering dishes during lockdown. Has been so enthusiastic with the practical tasks.”
Tia G – “Has embraced the lockdown by completing several products from home. Continues to work on the tasks that have been set and is always keen to do her best throughout all the activities.”
Hannah P – “Hannah has been creative and passionate about all the tasks she has been set and has made some gorgeous textile products.”
Callum F – “Every week Callum has produced amazing dishes. What a fantastic way of working hard at home while developing your confidence and skills in the kitchen. Such gorgeous products and continued enthusiasm throughout.”
Corey T – “Corey has continued to work at home with an excellent attitude and is keen to produce work to a high standard in every task he has been set.”
Ellie B – “Has had a fantastic approach to all DT areas, completing tasks for all the teachers across all the different materials areas and seems to be excelling in the practical tasks that she has done. Well done!”
Toby W – “Great attitude towards the tasks he was set, has completed all tasks to the best of his ability and has been super creative producing products from all the different material areas.”
Annabel A – “Annabel has made such creative and beautiful products at home. The VE Day afternoon tea that she made for her family was a triumph and put my shop bought cakes to shame. What a fantastic attitude you have demonstrated.”
Emily U – “Emily has regularly sent me photos of some gorgeous family dinners that she has made. She has an excellent attitude towards working from home and has embraced this challenge with gusto.”
Jake E – “Jake has been creative in his approach to the tasks that he has been given. He continues to have a hard-working attitude towards his school work even when completing the tasks at home. Well done!”
Resistant Materials
Priya M – “Priya has produced some wonderful analysis of existing products showing a real depth of knowledge. Such a great attitude towards her work at home.”
Finley M – “Great modelling using a wide variety of materials – really stretching his creative ability.”
Sharna B – “Continued hard work on every practical and written task set, always keen to go above and beyond the tasks and is clearly using the time at home to refine her skills. Great attitude!”
Elizabeth O – “Your enthusiasm has been consistent throughout every aspect of the tasks that you have been set. I have loved seeing your photographs and the dishes you have made are really excellent.”
Resistant Materials
Max S -“Several fantastic models produced with the use of his own designs. The multiple compartments for the bird box was so clever and creative. Well done!”
Maks N – “His 3D design work was very good and the rendering of his bird box was excellent very detailed and is clearly working very hard on the tasks being set at home.”
Elise E – “Her design work was exceptional, using current designers to aid her in a restructure of their ideas to create her own. Well done for having such a great attitude.”
Tom F – “Fantastic design work using current and older designers as an influence to redesign some fantastic concepts.”
Martha P – “Great design work and a fantastic Easter egg design project completed with such a lovely attention to detail.”
Rebecca C – “Great work produced including her questionnaire and a net drawing that demonstrated some very precise skills.”
Alaya C – “Continued positive approach. She takes on advice and has such a positive, hard-working attitude.”
Hannah C – “No matter if Hannah is working on practical or written work, she always gives 100% and produces work of an exceptional standard. Such a positive role model to any food student.”
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