To raise the profile of numeracy across Myton, Numeracy Co-ordinator, Mr Flanagan-Jones, will be running competitions throughout the year and rewarding our best numeracy ‘ninjas’ in their maths lessons!
“Numeracy is all about understanding how maths is used in real-life, and being able to apply mathematical skills in the world around us,” explained Mr Flanagan-Jones.
“It’s just as important as literacy and we have devised some fantastic competitions for all year groups to tackle over the next few months. Which ones will you take part in?”
- Myton Fantasy Premier League
A students’ fantasy football league, with prizes for the ‘manager of the month’ and ‘best student’ in each year group. When will you triple-captain Erling Haaland? Can you time a bench boost to perfection? Why not join in and compete against your fellow students, using numeracy skills to build and manage your team?
- Myton League code: tzn4to
Stop press… stop press… Expect a separate competition for the World Cup! …stop press…
- TT Rockstar Championships
TT Rockstars allows students to practice times tables in a fun way and earn coins to improve their online Rockstar avatars. This November, we’ll be looking to crown a school champion.
- Log in to TT Rockstars: (see your maths teacher for login info)
- Enter Studio mode and complete at least 10 goes, as fast as you can.
- The top 10 in the school will then go head-to-head in a live grand final in school on Wednesday 30 November!
- Numeracy Poster Competition
A chance to be artistic as well as numerate!
- Design a poster on the theme of ‘my favourite number.’
- Include reasons why it’s your favourite number, and any interesting numerical properties the number has.
- Deadline November 11th.
- First Prize: £10 voucher, 2nd Prize: £5 voucher.
- Email entries to [email protected], or hand-deliver them to Mr Flanagan-Jones in room H0
- ‘Numeracy Puzzle of the Fortnight’
The latest ‘Numeracy Puzzle of the Fortnight’ for students is available here. The first correct entry and another randomly-selected correct entry will each win one week’s queue-jump in the school canteen!
- Email all entries to [email protected]
Good luck with the puzzle!
- Schools’ competitions
Myton students will also be competing against other schools in a Senior team maths challenge, and our Year 9 classes will go head-to-head in the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) ‘Dragon’ quiz. Dates tbc.
For more information on the Numeracy curriculum and teaching at Myton school click here.
Calling all students – keep an eye on Satchel One or the numeracy board outside the maths corridor for more updates!