It’s never too late to sign up to music lessons.
All lessons take place during the day in school and are rotated so students don’t miss the same subject every week. The school can also accommodate fixed lessons (e.g. during break for students who are concerned about missing school subjects or need a consistent lesson time).
There is a wide choice of options – violin, piano/keyboard, drum kit, voice, brass, guitar, woodwind and steel pan groups
Instruments can be loaned out to students who want to start learning an instrument and see if it’s for them before an expensive purchase is made! Instrumental students are then welcome to use available music rooms to practice at break, lunch and after school, if they don’t have an instrument (such as piano or drum kit) at home. And there’s a cupboard for children to store their instruments during the day when they bring them in for lessons.
Timetables for each half term are displayed on the music tuition noticeboard in the CPA block and also on the school website. The Music Department uses Satchel One to notify students of any last minute changes.
Parents and carers will only be charged for lessons delivered for the rest of the year. There is a 25% subsidy for students taking GCSE Music in Year 10 and 11; and A level in Year 12 and 13 as well as financial help for students who receive free school meals/Pupil Premium.
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