Brunswick Hub are holding a half term Family Fun Day on Wednesday 22 February with free food and refreshments, crafts and a table top sale of pre-loved toys and games. More information can be found in the flyer below.
Brunswick Hub Family Fun Day

Brunswick Hub are holding a half term Family Fun Day on Wednesday 22 February with free food and refreshments, crafts and a table top sale of pre-loved toys and games. More information can be found in the flyer below.
for week ending Friday, 7 February 2025.
Sixth Form Politics and Law students travelled to Westminster this week to see how parliament operates on a day to...
Year 12 and 13 Physics students visited Toulouse this week. Highlights of the trip included a tour of the Airbus...
Please find below tips for showing kindness. Continue reading
Auditions will be held on Tuesday 11 February, 3.20 pm in USH for parts in the next WINGS performance, A...
Sixth Form students are celebrating Valentine's Day by selling roses and holding a cake sale. Roses will be on sale...
Students can head to the LRC next week for a blind date with a book! Continue reading
Congratulations to Serena in Year 11 who won gold and was crowned Golden Girl Champion in her weight category at...
Well done to Kieran in Year 11 who has been selected for the fourth year running to represent Warwickshire in...
School events that are happening over the next few weeks.