During Anti-Bullying Week we were joined by guest speaker Adrian Tuitt who spoke to our Year 7, 8 and 9 students about bullying, peer pressure and making positive choices. Adrian discussed overcoming adversity and the impact of social influence on the choices we make for ourselves. He highlighted the negative impacts of bullying on victims and how it is cool to speak out against those who are being unkind to others.
Students heard about Adrian’s 3 P’s motto – Patience, Perseverance and Positivity and how he uses these to underpin any event in his life, helping him overcome challenges in his path. Adrian reinforced the importance of only having positive people in our lives, who build us up rather than drag us down.
Our thanks to Adrian for speaking to our students on this important topic. They thoroughly enjoyed your visit and have since reflected on the messages within your talk and how they can use these to positively inform their lives!
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