You are viewing an archive of the Newsletter from 31 January 2025 to 7 February 2025
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Head Teacher Message
Dear Parents and Carers
I read an interesting report this week which stated that banning mobile phones in school didn’t particularly improve grades and wellbeing as the amount of time kids spent on their phones remained similar. The report did confirm what everybody now seems to accept though – that smart phones are detrimental to kids in many ways and the debate will continue about banning them at all schools or altogether. This report also prompted me to discuss with my own son how much time he was spending on his phone and when. This is easily done through the digital wellbeing and parental control link within settings on androids and through searching screen time on iphones. Predictably he was spending, in my opinion, far too much time on the phone so I got busy playing with the parental controls which turned the bored, monosyllabic grunts I usually get into a tirade of abuse and claims of privacy. He eventually asked what he should do instead of staring at his phone screen. The withering look I got when I suggested he could spend more time with his Mum and me – well I’ve never seen someone so clearly think I’m an idiot, and that’s up against some pretty stiff competition. Still, I would rather have this row than leave him at the mercy of the wild west that is the online world. I have some trust for my son but there are limits and I have no trust for what’s out there online, so better safe than sorry.
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General News
Sixth Form Politics and Law students travelled to Westminster this week to see how parliament operates on a day to day basis. Edith, Year 12 student and President of the Politics Society, reports on the trip below.
“Once through the airport-style security, there was a guided tour from the oldest building on the parliamentary estate, the Great Hall, built during the 1390s, through to the Commons and Lords chambers before returning to the Great Hall.
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Year 12 and 13 Physics students visited Toulouse this week. Highlights of the trip included a tour of the Airbus factory, visiting the Aeroscopia aeroplane museum, a tour of the Jolimont Observatory, including observing lunar surface features, Jupiter and its moons and the Orion Nebula and visiting a hydroelectric power station. Despite being an action packed trip, students still had time to enjoy and explore the cultural aspects of being in France, including visiting a market, cafés and bakeries.
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Auditions will be held on Tuesday 11 February, 3.20 pm in USH for parts in the next WINGS performance, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Auditions are open to all Year 7, 8 and 9 students as well as Year 10 drama students.
Sixth Form students are celebrating Valentine’s Day by selling roses and holding a cake sale. Roses will be on sale until the 12 February and the cake sale will take place on the 13 and 14 February.
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Students can head to the LRC next week for a blind date with a book!
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Sports News
Congratulations to Serena in Year 11 who won gold and was crowned Golden Girl Champion in her weight category at the Golden Girl Championships held in Sweden last week. This is the world’s largest female boxing tournament and is an outstanding achievement. Well done Serena!
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Well done to Kieran in Year 11 who has been selected for the fourth year running to represent Warwickshire in the English Schools Cross Country Finals, following placing fourth at the recent highly contested Warwickshire Championships. Good luck at the Finals in March!
Congratulations to our U13 and U16 girls’ football teams who both won their recent indoor football tournaments. The U15 team play in their tournament next week.
Our Year 8 and 9 girls’ rugby teams celebrated their first rugby outing as a team this week with a gold medal, winning at a rugby festival!
What's upcoming this week
Showing events from Monday, 10 February 2025 to Sunday, 16 February 2025.
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