Dear Parents and Carers
Nothing says Christmas like a Panto complete with a Dame, a Prince, an Evil Queen and lots of smutty innuendo – great stuff. Thanks so much to all the staff who contributed to the production last night. As those who were there will know, all the money raised by the Panto and by the Year 11 students who were baking and selling cakes outside will go towards helping one of our students gain that bit more independence by funding an electric wheelchair. The generosity of all the parents who came to watch the Panto has been really moving and the whole production has raised over £2000. Thanks to all who gave and took part. A special thank you also to our cleaning company Reef who, via one of their employees Surinder, raised £125. We have several other plans to raise funds and will be back in touch in the new year.
In the meantime, have a great Christmas and New Year, thank you for your undying support over 2024 and we’ll see you all in 2025.
Best wishes
Andy Perry

Cast list:
Hannah Jones
Andy Mawle
Neil Phipps
Jane Millington
Sean Johnson
Abbie Arliss
Clare Stringer
Ellen Fern
Sim Jhutti
Carlisha Smicle
Wendy Harrison
Rachel Cole
Yasmin Zahran
Ross Campbell
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