Dear Parents and Carers
It feels very Christmassy around the place today as the kids and staff wear a beautiful selection of tasteful Christmas jumpers. Though my own participation in this event has been defeated by the mysterious shrinking (obviously the only explanation) of my Christmas jumper over several years so now it doesn’t fit at all and if forced on, the image of Rudolf on the front gets stretched and distorted to the extent it may upset the children. Still, hopefully the Christmassy feeling lasts for the remainder of the term before we can begin the two week holiday in earnest and I can renew my annual quest to eat so much rich food and so many cheese boards that I begin January with Gout.
Next week we have our Christmas Concert and the Year 7 Carol Service which will add to the festival atmosphere. As will the staff panto, a new feature of Christmas at Myton following the success of last year’s production. Who would have thought we have such talent in the staff (I had no idea) and so many teachers who want to dress up as pantomime dames? Tickets are available to buy through ParentPay.
Best wishes
Andy Perry