Dear Parents and Carers
We are all settling in after our first full week back. And we are learning our way around all of the great new spaces we have. The modular buildings are now as they should be – full of kids and learning.
We are looking forward to showing off our new buildings, and the rest of our school, to prospective parents and students on our Open Evening, which takes place Thursday 26 September, 5pm to 8pm. There will be lots going on; every department will be demonstrating their subjects and some of our current students will be there to show people around the school and answer questions. Plus, I’ll be giving three talks throughout the evening so you’ll have the opportunity to hear why I’m so proud of this school, it’s students, staff and community.
Please do pass on details of our open evening to anyone you know who may be thinking about Myton School for their child next year.
Best wishes
Andy Perry