Dear Parents and Carers
Unfortunately, the industrial dispute which has led to strike action yesterday and again next Tuesday is showing no signs of resolution. In fact, all teaching unions are now balloting members for further action. Hopefully this can be decided quickly and fairly (and not with money that drains existing school budgets). In the meantime, thank you for your patience with the disruption and a reminder that only Years 11, 12 and 13 will be in school on Tuesday.
However, even with this disruption, and also the bank holiday Mondays, there has been time for some activities and trips to take place. Year 7 students are out and about in Warwick today on their Bikeability Cycle Training and A Level English Language students attended an Aston University Conference this week for an introduction to English Language at University.Years 7, 8 and 9 had a Bhangra disco last night, and I thank all the staff who organised and managed this event – not a duty I rushed to do, plenty of other staff who enjoy throwing a shape or two around. Even better is that this was a charity event and has raised a few hundred pounds, so additional thanks to Miss Jones for leading and also to the staff and Sixth Formers who helped out.
Best wishes
Andy Perry
Head Teacher