Dear Parents and Carers
A warm welcome back to all of our students after Easter. I hope they are well rested and ready for learning, especially our Year 11s and 13s who are now starting their exam season.
Alongside exams, this term sees lots of events and trips. On 5 May our Year 9 students will be taking part in a Career Detective Session (they can ask our volunteers 5 questions to try to guess their career and will be a fun way to find out about different career paths). The Careers theme continues with our Year 12 work experience in May. We also have our Sixth Form leaver events (assembly, tea party, breakfast) in May and their Leavers’ Ball in July.
Trips this term include a Year 10 visit to Bletchley Park, a Year 8 visit to Coventry Cathedral and our traditional annual Year 9 Newquay trips. Celebration evenings will be held for Year 7 and 8 in July and of course Sports Day in June.
There will be lots of hard work needed this term, but also a lot of fun to be had!
Best wishes
Andy Perry
Head Teacher