Dear Parents and Carers
Our teachers and students have been busy with all things science this week, with lots of extra science activities taking place in school in recognition of British Science Week, an annual celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), organised by the British Science Association (BSA).
Army STEM ambassadors built and launched car rockets with some of our Year 9 students, whilst other students were invited to Hampton Magna-Pre-School to show that even the youngest children can be brilliant scientists. They experimented with a magnet racetrack and made their own colour-changing fish using (safe!) household chemicals.
Students in lunchtime STEM clubs have had fun experimenting with invisible ink, made motors and had a go at using medical equipment.
As the theme for this year’s Science Week is connections, we asked students to connect science with art and produce anatomical drawings with annotations in our Science Week competition. We have had some amazing entries, and teachers will be voting for their favourite soon. There is still time for students to enter, but artwork needs to be submitted to Mr Hobbs before the end of the day on Monday 20 March.
Thank you to our Science teachers and support staff who have worked so hard in organising these extra activities, and to all students who have taken part this week.
Best wishes
Andy Perry
Head Teacher