Dear Parents and Carers
Busy week with a visit from Ofsted on Tuesday and Wednesday. The outcomes of their visit remain confidential until they complete their quality assurance process which will take a few weeks, however I would like to thank all the parents, carers and students who completed their surveys, and our own Myton surveys for that matter. Our third school value is working together and taking opportunities to complete surveys is just that, it gives us very clear guidance of where we are doing well but also where stakeholders are less happy. It doesn’t end at the survey, we will take the results of these and start to pull on the threads to find out what can be done differently to improve. This will take high quality stakeholder voice activities where people are meeting in person and enjoying quality discussion on key areas of school improvement.
Teaching teenagers isn’t easy and it takes all of us, working together, to make it work: teachers, parents, carers, students and school leaders. But further than that, our partners in the Stowe Valley Trust, the staff in all the trust schools, local business leaders and community leaders all have important roles to play. The statistics on success for 18-24-year olds in the workplace are not encouraging with far too many not in work or in Higher Education for a whole range of reasons. We need to work together to challenge this trend and ensure our young people have the tools to be successful. As I said, it’s not easy and no one person has the answer (if they did, we would all be working for them) but we do need to keep using the collective expertise, creativity and ideas of all our stakeholders and our partners to keep improving.
Best wishes
Andy Perry
Head Teacher