Dear Parents and Carers
Removing barriers is a value the school holds dear. The end point for our students are the outcomes and experiences which will help them to achieve lifelong success. If we consider that to be the finishing line and we look all the way to the start, we see that many children begin a lot further back than others. Where the journey is longer and where the journey is hampered by barriers, we see it as our collective duty to make every effort to accelerate the journey and remove the barriers. This isn’t easy and seems to be increasingly challenging each year, especially after the Covid years. However it is, and always will be the right thing to do. The list of adjustments and interventions we have in school is extensive and range from basic classroom adjustments like coloured paper or different font size to far more intensive therapies which run either in school or out of school. Impact is never immediate and patience is required and this process can lead to tensions between us and families but provided we keep our common aim to help every child to achieve then these can be overcome. So, whilst we consider the key to lifelong success being to develop self-assured learners, we double our efforts for those students who have further to travel.
Today you will have received our parent survey and students also have their own on Satchel One. Please take time to fill it in, your voice and that of students are essential to any robust evaluation of the school and I look forward to sharing the results and our responses soon.
Best wishes
Andy Perry
Head Teacher