Dear Parents and Carers
A belated Happy New Year! As ever, I start the year with a load of resolutions to try and be healthier, most of which won’t last the first Friday evening. However, a work-based resolution I am determined to see through is to involve our parents and students more in school life and learning. Before Christmas we advertised for, and appointed, a new student council which is a great way to understand students’ views. However, to be sure to get all views we are launching surveys this half term to staff, students and parents. I would like the uptake of these to be as high as possible, as this is the best way to get voices heard. An overwhelming majority of our kids and parents/carers get on with school life, doing well and taking things in their stride, but it is these exact students and parents/carers who are less likely to contact the school that I really want to hear opinions from. Currently the questions are going through a final check after which we will be sending them out and I look forward to a very high level of response.
Whilst on the subject of resolutions, I would say that far too many kids really need to make one on punctuality. Please ensure your child is in school by 8.35am ready to be in class by 8.40am. They need to understand that punctuality is important and lateness means a loss of learning in school and getting fired in the workplace – they do have a great range of excuses for their lateness but they are just that, excuses. Nearly all of our close to 1800 students manage to get here on time, please don’t allow your child to be one of those few who fall behind.
Finally, a quick line on attendance. Last term our attendance rates were well above the national average which we were happy about. However, the national average post covid is lower than it has ever been so there remains lots of room for improvement. It seems everywhere I look there is pressure on people to be off work and off school with illness; the news is full of horror stories and we continue to get guidance from the DfE on respiratory illness which further fans the flames. Obviously, there is a lot of illness around and the system is under immense pressure, however our students have missed quite enough over the last few years and they need to be in school. If they are well enough to learn, they need to be here please.
Best wishes
Andy Perry
Head Teacher