Dear Parents and Carers
We had our Sixth Form Open Evening last night, a really pleasant experience for everyone involved. We were very busy and it was lovely to see so many of our Year 11s around the school considering their futures. It was also great to see so many visitors from local schools, we offer a very broad curriculum at Key Stage 5 which does attract students from further afield.
One of the things I enjoy about the evening is how the nature of conversation changes with the students as we discuss what choices they may make post 16, what they may want to do after A Levels and what would be expected of them as a Sixth Former. Inevitably, people adjust their actions based on context and it is difficult to break out of that Year 11/teacher relationship but I hope that the many Year 11s who did attend started to see the difference they can expect when they start in Year 12; the greater levels of trust, the level of debate, the relationship between Sixth Formers and staff.
As Year 11 come in today, back in their uniforms, they will no doubt be back in Year 11 mode but we always try and keep that dialogue open with them as they settle on their post 16 choices. It can also be useful for some of the students to see how close this next stage in their education is. Whilst we know many Year 11s have really gotten their heads down, pushing towards their GCSEs, many haven’t.
Therefore, this is a good time to remind them that their exams start in about 20 school weeks – 10 more cycles of our two-week timetable to go!
Best wishes
Andy Perry
Head Teacher