Last autumn term, we launched a brand new initiative called ’50 things to do before you leave Myton’. We’re pleased to report that our then Year 7 & 8 students approached it with a lot of enthusiasm and in February we held an assembly to award certificates and pin badges to those students who had completed the various milestones in the challenge.
Next week, we’ll be introducing the challenge to our new Year 7 students. We’ll be setting them a homework video followed by emails to parents with login and password details for the 50 Things website. In addition, all students in Year 7 will be issued with a wallchart and stickers. We will also re-launch the challenge with Year 8 & 9 students in a similar way over the coming week or so.
Mr Jones, Deputy Head and leader of this initiative said: “I would ask parents to support and encourage their children between now and the end of Year 11 to continuously come back to these activities and try new things. We believe that by completing them, it will provide students with concrete examples of when they have demonstrated key skills for life like resilience, courage, team-working, independence, innovation, creativity, communication skills, leadership and problem solving and will contribute to preparing them for life after Myton”.
Find out more about the initiative on our website: Fifty things to do before you leave Myton
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