Dear Parents and Carers
I thought I’d share what I have experienced around our school recently because, as ever, I am delighted and humbled by how the staff here work with our students and together they produce amazing things.
Over the last week or so I have seen our GCSE and A Level Art displayed in the lower school hall for the external moderator, art that is so stunning as to inspire everybody who saw it and in the case of one lad in Year 13 producing a piece which bought a tear to the eye of us all.
I watched a lesson with Year 7s discussing A Midsummer Night’s Dream and explaining to me some of the characters and their motivations and, in the same department some Year 9s who were looking at how famous figures were able to use persuasive language to change minds, in this case it was Marcus Rashford but their books had evaluations of Martin Luther King, President Obama and Elizabeth I.
When in my office with the doors and windows open there is the constant background of kids learning their sports in PE lessons, clearly competitive and obviously enjoying themselves from what I can hear (though I do admittedly struggle with the sound of kids having fun, it goes right through me to be honest!).
I was also lucky enough to visit a food tech lesson where they had just finished their Thai curries and I obviously had to have a taste (delicious, but with enough spice in it to burn out the cold I was coming down with – mouth was on fire but a miracle cure).
We’ve had Newquay trips coming and going, forest school, trips to the farm, science trips to the Big Bang Fair, theatre trips to see Diversity and the next round of Bushcraft is coming up together with a Year 12 biology trip to Osmington Bay. Yesterday the Year 11s finished their exams and with the Year 13s close behind them, next week the Proms start.
Today we have begun the process of moving our students into their new year groups with the Year 10s and 7s meeting their new tutors and, in between, the kids are in class doing their learning across the curriculum, the Years 10s and 12s are getting ready for their progress exams and life is going on as it always does. A nice week all in all.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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