Dear Parents and Carers
Year 11 have been great this last couple of weeks getting stuck into their exams. Whilst some adjustments have been applied to the exams this year, it is still a big challenge to get through 20+ GCSE exams in a month. Our Year 13s are also well underway with their exams, the first time this cohort has experienced a formal exam season but they are tackling them well also.
Last week saw the first of the GCSE Maths papers, the non calculator paper 1. And as I still, on occasion, hear how much harder it was “in our day” from people who chipped their answers into slate in their exam halls, I thought I would share some of the questions. Partly to prove that, if anything, the content and challenge is harder now than ever before but mostly because I love Maths (despite being a History teacher) and a Maths challenge. And for the sake of our kids we need to inspire that love of Maths in them:
First half of the Foundation paper – around grades 1-2
This question would be – around grades 3-4
Higher paper – around grades 4-5
Second half of the higher paper – around grade 7
Last question on the higher paper – around grades 8-9
Answers can be found online – Google Edexcel paper 1 answers
Best Wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher