Dear Parents and Carers
I am writing today’s weekly just as we have funnelled our Year 11s into the hall for a “leavers” assembly – completely misnamed as next week they are all back in again for revision classes and exams. There are around 275 students in Year 11 and watching them go into the hall did give me a moment to think about their GCSE experiences; first term of Year 10 was chaotic with so many sent home as Covid contacts or due to year group closures, lockdown in the January of Year 10 and the disruption in the summer term. And then Year 11, a “normal year” which of course it wasn’t. The cover they have endured has been extensive, their own absence due to Covid rules is very high and clarity on what their exams will include arrived only a few months ago. As with all year groups, it has been a challenge and one which some have coped with better than others.
But for today, I want to congratulate the quiet majority in Year 11 – all those students who have laboured away to make the most of this time, all those who have worked with their teachers to fill learning gaps and all those who have just gotten on with it. Quite rightly, we tend to spend a majority of our time with those who need us the most and I wouldn’t want it any other way but given this one last opportunity, my sincere congratulations and thanks to all our 11s and their Parents and Carers who have tackled this year so admirably. It is never easy for any Year 11 or their family and this year has had its own unique challenges. As I watched happy and confident students walking into the hall today, I was really rather proud of you all.
Right, back to signing shirts (if I can get past the rather interesting pictures these lads draw on each other!).
Best Wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher