Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back and into the summer term.
Firstly, a very big well done and thank you to our students who have successfully switched to the new school day. Going back to a single 20 minute break and single 40 minute lunch was always going to take some getting used to, particularly around the queues for the canteen. As it happens, the kids have adapted, been patient, well mannered and quick in the serveries so the queues have gone down very quickly. This new arrangement allows the field and astro to be open at lunchtime and even with everybody out, there is plenty of room for football, sitting and other games to be played. As ever, the key thing for all our students is to always remember they are one child in a school of 1,765 so be aware that there are always people around, often a lot smaller, and be sensible and responsible at all times.
Having the single breaks has shown just how quickly students can move from their classroom to the canteen – it is remarkable. I don’t always see the same determination in the morning as they come into school though. In fact, one of the many post-covid things I have noticed is punctuality, or in too many cases, a lack of it. Whilst getting teenagers out of bed and moving in the morning is like pulling teeth, it is vital they are here by 8.35am when the warning bell goes so they can be in class by 8.40am when classes start. Any reference from the school will comment on this and an attendance certificate littered with late marks is never welcome. I hope to see an improvement next week with these nice, sunny mornings.
Best Wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher