Dear Parents and Carers
Many thanks to students and Parents and Carers for reacting so quickly to our canteen issues today and bringing packed lunches. The area was under water early this morning so we couldn’t promise a full service but thanks to some very hard work from our site team and the canteen staff, we were able to offer most of the usual items today in sufficient volume. Kids were all great and patient with the situation and the team worked wonders – we are very grateful – and all will be back to normal on Monday.
There is lots going on around school life at the moment with DofE training, off site trips and year 7 curriculum freeze. Hopefully, you will read and hear about all these events in coming weeks but suffice to say, it’s been a busy half term so far. Today also marks the latest update to Covid guidance for schools with the end of free tests being available. Now, the rules state the following for students;
- If anybody suffers a respiratory illness they should try and avoid contact whilst they have a temperature and can then return to school once well enough and provided they have no temperature
- If any cases are confirmed of covid, students should isolate for three days and can return from day four provided they are well and have no temperature
It’s been well over two years since the first message regarding Covid, I sincerely hope this is the last one!
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher