Dear Parents and Carers
The war in Ukraine has galvanised a strong desire among our students and staff to contribute to the efforts supporting refugees fleeing their homes. It has been, this week, a topic students want to discuss in class, which we have tried our best to facilitate, ensuring they are able to truly listen to opinions on what should be done and voice their own. We have been in contact with some local charities on how we can support and we will begin our work on this next week. There is some initial detail in the newsletter though this does look like it will be a long campaign and we will continue our efforts as long as required. Please speak to your child about this and ask them to look out for opportunities to support and take part. If your child is particularly motivated (and many are judging by how often they are asking my colleagues and me how we can help) and has ideas they would like to share, please ask them to see Mr Apostol, Mrs Logan (our Marketing Manager who can be found in the Head’s PA office) or Ms Stevens if they are 6th form. These initiatives are always more successful if led by the students and we fully encourage them to come forward with ideas and offers to help.
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher