Dear Parents and Carers
Another week and another flurry of Covid rule changes but I’ve been on top of them as I’m currently confined to home, with my own, thankfully mild, bout of Covid. As cabin fever sets in and my only symptom seems to be a red line on a test, I will be out of here as soon as I’m allowed, much to the relief of my partner and also my team whom I’ve spent a week harassing by email. To clarify, in order to be released from isolation, two negative tests are required on days 5 and 6 which if achieved allows your child to come to school as soon as that second negative is confirmed. Day of first symptoms or positive test counts as day zero, count from there and then test early morning day 5 and day 6 and your child then avoids missing so much school. If either are positive the process starts over trying to achieve two negative tests. We will assume absence up to day 5 but please confirm through the absence line from day 6 onwards if your child is still off. It appears that these arrangements will remain in place until at least the end of March.
The key rule change has been around masks; they are no longer required to be worn in the classroom but remain a requirement in communal areas indoors throughout the site and on buses. As ever, students who wish to wear them in class will have their choice respected. Please thank your child for me, they have been wonderfully compliant with this rule which I know they find uncomfortable. The rule to keep masks on in communal areas remains in place until the “Plan B” review date next week though the press reports a strong will to scrap it then.
Finally if someone in the household has covid, your child should be testing daily to make sure they are clear before coming to school. They may be asked to do a PCR test by Test and Trace but they should still be in school pending the result. I say all this because we have had reports from parents of conflicting and misleading advice from Test and Trace which has led to kids missing school when they needn’t have done.
Please keep up the twice weekly tests until that rule is removed. I think that’s it for the time being but we’ll keep you informed.
Many thanks and best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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