Dear Parents & Carers
Unfortunately, Myton School has experienced cases of Covid-19 this week which have led to a combined total of around 100 students having to go into self-isolation based on three confirmed cases. The cases have all been in separate bubbles so are treated as isolated outbreaks at this time. And to put it in context, whilst we have regrettably had to send home these students, well over 1,600 remain in school. In all three cases the children experienced mild symptoms and are well on the way to being well.
Why this has come to Myton this week is impossible to say. I know several schools nearby have had similar issues and in many ways we expected this to happen earlier in the term. As our three cases are in separate bubbles, we shouldn’t read too much into it just now. However, it is worth reminding students again to wear masks, to keep at least a one metre distance between each other when they can (obviously in classrooms this is not something they can control) and to keep their hands clean (we have gallons of sanitiser all over the school).
The students who are unfortunate enough to have been identified as contacts, either through seating plans or social time, have been extremely responsible and mature, and the parents who we have had to contact have been very understanding. I thank you all for this.
Students have adapted quite well to Mr Jones and me turning up at their classrooms with a metre ruler to identify the desks we need for contact tracing, or with a clipboard full of names of students to remove from class. We did get a few looks of resentment, anger or dread this week, but to be honest, Mr Jones is well used to that!
Thank you all for your support and understanding this week. Please keep going with the messages to your children – ‘Hands, Face, Space’.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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