Dear Parents & Carers
A big thank you to all parents for your support this week in getting Myton School open for all students again. We are delighted to be running at around 97-98% attendance, and with many of the absences due to the on/off quarantine arrangements with other countries, this will improve further.
The students have obviously had clear instruction from home on when to wear PE kits, which tutor rooms to go to, arrival times, etc so thanks once again for going through all those letters with your children and helping us to get classes, full of students all learning again.
There have been some adjustments to our measures, which was something we always expected as we see how students react to new procedures. We have, for example, asked all sixth form students to wear a face mask at lesson changeovers because their scheduling takes them into other zones and the contact with other years in the corridors is greater than anticipated. We have asked staff to do the same, at least until the students know their timetables a little better and the corridors become less busy. I would also ask that you consider supplying your child with their own hand gel which would allow entry and exit of classrooms and the dining hall to be faster.
The students have come back with a clear desire to get back to their learning. They have adjusted quickly, accepted changes and are now, in most cases, getting into the new routine. There are those who are struggling a little more and I hope, if that is your child, you have contacted us to let us know so we can intervene. However, overall I am delighted with how they have settled back in. A conversation I had on Wednesday with a Year 10 lad summed it all up: “How are you this morning?” “Alright.” “How did you deal with lockdown?” “Alright.” “Good summer?” “Alright.” “How are you feeling about school after all this time?” “Alright.” It was an emotional day.
I would like to know what comes next though. Our arrangements support all the students being in and accessing their full curriculum, but they are not without educational deficit. The zones and bubbles mean a little lost learning time as staff pack up in one block and get to another. Our rooms are not generic and there is now limited access for students to specialist spaces. Also we know where everything is in our rooms and having all those resources at hand means we can react to the students and support the learning if it goes in an unexpected direction. Being in multiple rooms reduces this ability. And it won’t be too long before the kids start feeling a little hemmed in. It is all marginal but multiplied by every child in every lesson it adds up.
What is it we are looking for as a community before we ease up on the bubbles and zoning? This, as far as I am aware, has never been discussed so we don’t really have much to aim for. If we knew, we could perhaps help and support, but currently it feels a little like the whole strategy is to get kids in school and that is it. As my new Year 10 friend, Mr Chatty demonstrated, nearly all the students are just getting on with it and we are supporting the others. It is already starting to feel like the last 6 months didn’t really happen. As far as getting kids in, with your help we’ve made a really good start. What’s next?
Thanks again and best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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