Dear Parents & Carers
You should have received a letter from me today outlining our plans for September. This letter details the school day, the use of zones and bubbles, some curriculum information and further information about transport and hygiene. I’m sure people will have lots of questions, however please hold fire until the beginning of the term when we will properly introduce all students and parents to our new procedures. As I mentioned last week, it will be full uniform, full days and a full curriculum taught by the specialist teachers our students would have had anyway. As long as students are ready, dressed correctly, know when and where they have to be, have all their equipment in their bags and understand the rules around clean hands and hygiene, they will do well.
At the end of this academic year we say goodbye to our Chair of Governors, Diane Burley. I would like to extend my thanks to Diane for everything she has done for the school over the 14 years she has been a governor and particularly the 4 years she has been Chair. There have been many challenges over these years and, while we may be consumed by the current situation, it is worth reflecting that Diane picked up the role of Chair shortly after the Ofsted inspection of 2016 and reformed the way the school has been governed in just over 12 months, ready for the far more successful Ofsted inspection in 2018. My whole headship has been with Diane as Chair of Governors and our relationship as Chair and Head has been very dear to me. She provides support when needed, challenge when needed, is dedicated to the school and everybody in it, and has risen to every challenge with determination to do the right thing. She has been trying to step down for quite a while but we have always persuaded her otherwise, but it is the right time now.
We will start September with a new Chair of Governors, a new Improvement Plan, some new ways of working and a renewed determination to take all we have learned over the last few years – and particularly over the last few months – and continue to make Myton the very best school it can be. My sincere thanks to Diane. Our school is in a far better position now than when you took on this role and there is still lots to come.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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