To Parents & Carers
At the end of this academic year, I will be standing down after 14 years on the governing body.
It has been a privilege to be able to support Mr Perry as Chair of Governors over the past 4 years. He is a fantastic leader who has a natural insight into what is needed to educate young people, with a recognition and passion to support those who are vulnerable. He is supported by an incredible leadership team who work collaboratively to ensure Myton continues to develop and improve.
I have always been hugely proud to be involved with Myton. I am constantly impressed with the commitment and dedication of all staff groups both past and present who work to ensure that our young people have the best education possible. Myton School has become a huge part of my life and I will be very sad to leave, but I feel in the interests of good governance it is time for a change.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Judith Fell. Judith has been a governor for 15 years, starting initially as a parent governor in 2005 when her son started at the school. During her term of office, Judith has been Chair of Finance, Personnel, Pay Panel and has been a constant support to school. She will be greatly missed.
Mike Oldridge, parent governor has been elected as Chair and Pete Freeman, co-opted governor as Vice Chair from September.
Very best wishes
Diane Burley
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