Dear Parents and Carers
This afternoon I have written to parents of students in Years 10 and 12 with the options available to us for the ‘face-to-face support’ the Government has asked for. The promised guidance to secondary schools has yet to appear and it seems that there are changes of mind on an almost daily basis. However, what has seemed to be constant is that we are unlikely to see students in Years 7-9 before September.
This is a blow. We would have liked to get students in to accelerate their academic and social progress. Obviously, safety is the first concern and we await further guidance on what is or isn’t safe at secondary level, but assuming we will not see Years 7-9 until September, we will certainly look to include more interactive experiences next half term. We have discussed online lessons, teachers recording themselves presenting content, online assemblies and other options.
I look forward to firming up our plans with Years 10 and 12 and then looking at what we can do for other year groups to keep them in touch with the school and each other.
In the meantime, keep safe and well and we will be in touch early in June.
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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